This time my regiment starts with Kona Base Camp. I am lucky because Kona is my 2nd home and I can work and train there when needed. Dicky sent me off solo to KBC last week. Without too much boring detail, Kona Base Camp highlights look something like this:
- 500 miles on the bike- most of it at snail slow speed
- 26 miles running up volcanos
- 5 miles of ocean swimming
- 20,000' of elevation- did you know Kona Ironman has over 5,000' of elevation?
- Weight loss of 5 pounds- hopefully not water weight
- 1100 ounces of water- ok, definitely not water weight
- 32 packs of PowerGel
- 8 PowerBars
- 16 bananas- I hate bananas but Teedy the Ozzie says stick to bananas
- 30 apples- had to alleviate with ginger tea
- 10 pounds of seaweed salad- things have turned VERY green
- 5 pounds of raw ahi
- 2 chickens
- 20 oz almonds
- 1 pound of Kona Coffee
- 80 hours of sleep
- 2 full Tyra's next "top model" marathons
- 22 life changing revelations
- 1 condo re-painted
- 1 bike cleaned thoroughly for the first time in 2 years
Kona base camp is pretty mind and body blowing. The general training conditions are wind and steady heat. The rule is I do all my training solo. The scenery is lava and blue water. The road is the Queen K- straight out and back, same route everyday. Temperatures have been in the mid 80's and the winds steady but not intolerable. Everyday I ride into stiff headwinds, the tailwinds almost non-existent because the winds turn. When I get a tailwind it is a great motor pace session- the other day I averaged 32 MPH in a 53/12 for 18 miles. The worst is when the headwinds reduce me to a 7 mph push for miles but the winds have been nice to me this trip.
I am really proud of what I have accomplished in such a short time this trip. My endurance base was shot and a two hour ride hurt a lot a week ago. I came in at a very heavy personal weight. I rarely diet nor worry about my weight but this time my weight was affecting my back; thus impeding my performance on many levels. I have had to cut my calories significantly without compromising my training trying to get back to regular weight. My diet has been the trickiest but I have been spot on- definitely on the edge, but I know enough not to put myself in a hole.
Today I used Ironman pacing for 35 miles out and then struck a blistering pace home for 25 miles ending with an all out final 20k. I paced .5 MPH faster than my last Kona when I was in tip top endurance shape. My pacing and nutrition were brilliant (I can't believe how much I learned as an Ironman athlete and I still remember the stuff too!). My back held out well for the most part. I could feel my strength the entire ride. This ride tells me I am on target on every level. Only Kona can put me back into the right place mentally and physically in a week; it is a pretty amazing place.
I have two days left of base camp and will make the most of it. Today I treat myself to ocean swimming and Hyashi's sushi, maybe I'll see the turtles on my swim! Aloha, Neva