Time trials, ugh, my favorite event (ha ha!). Jenn X and I drove up from the valley this morning leaving at 7:30am. We hit some snow going through the Grapevine at Gorman which was crazy. Then there was heavy rain and then it was over. The rest of the ride was uneventful with the typical pee stop along the way.
We made good time and had time to pre-drive the time trial course. The countryside was so beautiful. I took a lot of photos and below are just a few of them. By driving the course we knew it was going to be a hard day and the climbs were pretty intense.
The climb!
Back to the start finish line to get ready. I was the first pro women to go which is not the best place. However I find it kind of ironic since time trailing is not my event although I am trying to have a better outlook about them. I got nice and warm on the trainer and headed out to the start line deciding on no leg or arm warmers since the weather was in the 70s and we would be doing some climbing. I left my teammates Morgan and Jenn X back at the van still on their trainers as they started 16mins and 24mins after me. While waiting to start I wondered if the no leg and arm warmers choice was a good idea as I was getting cold. But soon enough I was getting my countdown and off I went.
Since we were going 40km (26miles) I started off moderately but fast enough to get the engine going again as the big climb started after about 1 ½ miles. Within the 1st mile Sandra Kolb (Bicycle John’s Serious Cycling) passed me and being a local girl we cheered each other on. I knew that Sandra would pass me as she started 30 seconds after me and is quite an accomplished time trialist. I continued riding my pace which is just at my lactic threshold pushing as hard as I could but reminding myself that there was still a long way to go and that there would be a headwind on the return. On the way out about 3 other riders passed me. At times I was burning up climbing and at others I was a little cold which was not good for my legs and I even had warming gel on them.
On course!
There were several photographers on the course and they snapped pictures as I went by. As usual my nose was running badly and it seems that I always have snotty time trial pictures. I kept forging on as best I could but realized that today was not my day. As I hit the turn around I was excited to start heading back as there was a lot of down hill. As I was on the return I saw Kristen Armstrong flying going the other direction and knew that she was going to do a great time. The head wind was pretty strong and my shifting started to really act up (I had changed gearing for the TT just the day before and realized I should have ridden it hard to kind of break it in). I kept my pace up but didn’t completely blow myself because tomorrow is a criterium race which is much more my style.
Several more riders passed me on the way back and I just kept my pace pushing against the wind. I have to admit that it is very demoralizing to have so many people pass you. I missed my teammate Morgan but did see Jenn X on her way out. Back I went up the climb and I was just praying that it would be over. My legs were tired. The decent was a blast even on the TT bike and finally I saw the finish trailer and line and was glad to be back. I finished in a 1:18:31, a horrible time and second to last on the day. Jenn X rode a great TT and finished 30th getting some money and Morgan finished 33rd. Awesome job by my teammates!!!! They rock!!! Especially since the field was pretty packed today with a lot of great time trialists.

X in a typical "X" outfit. Making fashion!
I cannot wait for tomorrow. Right now we are heading out with our host family for dinner. They are just great!